The New Tab

Documentary stories about life in Russia since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine
The New Tab is a team of independent journalists from various regions of Russia who continue to produce high-quality work under difficult circumstances. Our writers have access to a wide network of experts and witness firsthand how "everyday" life and people’s beliefs are shifting, as authoritarianism and repression take hold across the country.

Since 2022, we have been assisting other media outlets in producing journalistic content from Russia. Through collaboration with The New Tab, Russian-language media in various countries publish more stories that matter to society.
How we collaborate on partner content
  • We provide partner media with a well-developed pitch.
  • We discuss the focus of the story, work plan, deadlines, illustrations, and other details with our partners.
  • We support the author throughout the process: consult, assist in finding characters and experts, offer suggestions for refining the text, and edit drafts.
  • We produce photography for the piece.
  • We review the draft with our partners and discuss necessary edits.
  • We communicate with the author during the revision process and edit the final text.
  • Then we hand over the final draft to our partners.
Partner media outlets
Collaborative stories of The New Tab and other media outlets
Fell Without a Shot Being Fired
The Russian State Duma is considering a bill that would restrict library access to works by “foreign agents” in public libraries. Although the Duma went on break in August without passing the amendments, some libraries decided to “play it safe” in advance
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Two Villages
A group of people moved to a Arkhangelsk Oblast village to learn to live in harmony with nature. Here’s why – and what has come of their endeavor
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From War to Bureaucratic Hell: Ukrainian Refugees Abandoned by Russia
For eighteen months, Ukrainian refugees from the Kherson region have been wandering around hotels in Kuban, waiting for the payments and housing certificates the authorities had promised them
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Changing the Game
A veteran of the "Special military operation" Maxim Perov took leave from the front to undergo gender transition. Now as Maxine Perova, she wanted to return to service but was dismissed.
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Pulled into the war: teenagers turned war volunteers
Across Russia, teenagers are becoming military volunteers, some to show their support for the war in Ukraine, others — to get a leg up when applying to universities
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"Tomorrow They Might Ban Sandals. And Who's Going to Stop Them?"
How LGBT people in Russia live after being labelled an extremist community.
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"I Don’t Want to Be Like Dad"
How preferential university admissions offer children of "Special military operation" participants a to rebuild their lives—while limiting opportunities for other graduates.
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A Time of Tossing
How cow-pat throwing competitions in Perm Krai gained worldwide fame—only for the participants to part with it, without any regrets.
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